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Board of Directors Members

This screen shows the members of the committee. Click on the member's name or photo to view their bio information (if enabled).
SEAOC is governed by a 14-member Board of Directors drawn proportionately from the four regional Member Organizations (MOs). The Presidency rotates among the four MOs, in a cycle that includes one year as Treasurer, one as President Elect, one as President, and finally one as Past President. Board directors are officers from each MO that are appointed or elected to two- or three-year terms by the MO to which they belong.
San Diego, CA
811 El Capitan Way, Ste 240
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Grass Valley, CA
Immediate Past President
Larkspur, CA
Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Diego, CA
Oakland, CA
7251 N. Katy Avenue
Fresno, CA 93722
Pasadena, CA
Gardena, CA
San Francisco, CA
Orangevale, CA
Structural Engineers Association of California | SEAOC Foundation
1215 K St., Ste. 1100
Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 447-1198

Structural Engineers Association
of Central California (SEAOCC)

Structural Engineers Association
of Northern California (SEAONC)

Structural Engineers Association
of Southern California (SEAOSC)

Structural Engineers Association
of San Diego (SEAOSD)

Members of the National Council
of Structural Engineerings Associations (NCSEA)